How to Make Magical Restorative Bath Salts

I’m often knocked off-balance in the transitional phases of the year. Between seasons, moon phases, or just general life changes (…so actually just always!?), so many of us struggle to find our groove within ourselves and everything we’re trying to do. Right now, navigating the change from Summer to Autumn can leave us feeling both excited for a powerful season and saddened at the thought of leaving the sunny days behind (although Halloween is coming, so there is that). Personally, I also always find preparing for a new school year both physically and emotionally draining, not least because it reminds me of the fleetingness of my kids’ childhood!

Ritual Restorative bath salts

One way I try to carve out some time for myself at particular busy times is by taking regular ritual baths. They allow me to spend some time mindfully and intentionally crafting a bath mixture, and then soak up its benefits while letting my mind drift and my body and nervous system relax. Of course, you can always just buy a restorative bath salts blend, and there are a number of amazing small shops that sell them, but I do think making ritual bath salts yourself is a form of magic in itself!

Who can benefit from a restorative ritual bath?

Ritual baths can be an incredibly powerful and accessible way to cultivate a restorative practice. They’re obviously ideal for anyone with an affinity for water, but they can be easily customised to include any element! For instance, earth witches can use herbs, flowers, and other botanicals. An affinity for fire can be incorporated with candles (safely!!!) and fire-affiliated water-safe crystals, and air can be honoured with incense or diffusing essential oils.

What ingredients do I need?

  • Epsom salts – these form the base of your bath salts and have a huge variety of uses – they’re fantastic for sore muscles for one and can be supportive in trying to reduce stress and improve sleep
  • Lavender essential oil – one of my favourite scents in the world, lavender is one of the most commonly used plants in magical practice. It’s said to represent healing and promote peace and ease of mind
  • Lavender blossoms – similar to the above, but in it’s natural form, lavender is included in this recipe to soothe busy minds and restore calm
  • Bay leaves – thought to promote protection, repel negative energy and support healing (as well as make really good stock)
  • Mint – popular in tea, mint is another herb known for its healing and protective traits. It also smells lovely and fresh, helping to clear your mind!
  • You’ll also need a jar to store your new salts, and a pestle and mortar to grind your herbs.
Lavender bath salts
How to DIY restorative bath salts

How to make restorative bath salts

How to Make Magically Restorative Bath Salts

A simple guide to making your own bath salts to use in a restorative ritual bath
Keyword: earth magic, self care, water magic, witchcraft
Servings: 4 ritual baths


  • 1 large jar
  • 1 pestle & mortar


  • 1 kg epsom salts
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3 tbsp lavender blossoms
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp dried mint


  • Grind your herbs to a coarse mix using the pestle and mortar
  • Add 1/4 of your epsom salts to your large jar, followed by ten drops of lavender oil and 1/4 of your ground herb mix
  • Continue to layer your ingredients in the jar. Once everything is in there, seal it tightly and give it a good shake!
  • At this point, you can either use your salts straight away (I suggest about a quarter of this mix per bath), or leave them to infuse overnight. You can also add a restorative crystal to the jar at this point if you like, just remember to remove it before pouring the salts in the tub!
Making Magic Restorative Bath Salts on