The Modern Ghost’s Sustainable Edit – Unique Alternative Summer Clothes

Elder Emos have it hard. We struggle to buy homes because of the avocado toast thing, we’re at prime parenting age so keep having to moderate our playlists. Plus we’re hyper aware of both individual and corporate responsibilities to avert the pending climate apocalypse so we want to avoid fast fashion while still retaining our half-dead personal style. Hashtag millenialproblems. I can’t help you with your mortgage issues, aside from telling you to VOTE, but I can help you with your wardrobe – welcome to the millennial goth’s susty edit – your capsule wardrobe approach to sustainable alternative summer clothes.

Secondhand summer style
Sustainable goth summer wardrobe

Secondhand but make it goth

I’ve been preaching it for so long, but I’m going to say it again – buying secondhand is your friend. There are lots of dark basics in the charity shops, and the usual rule apply – decide what you’re looking for BEFORE you go to avoid overwhelm. If you’re looking for something more specific, eBay and Vinted are your way forward. Try saving your searches for specific brands (Vans, Disturbia, Killstar, Pull&Bear and bizarrely Hollister are my saves at the moment) and your sizes for easy browsing!

Basics for alternative summer clothes

Basics that can be worn and re-worn over and over and over again can (but don’t have to) be worth investing in new. In my own summer capsule, a plain sleeveless black body con, some strappy tops, plain black jeans and shorts, and some layers are non-negotiable. All of these can be found from sustainable retailers quite easily and combined with secondhand statement pieces to pull your outfit together.

Hold the swimwear

Especially for those heading on a sunny holiday, repeat after me: ‘I do not need a bikini for every day of the week’. One or two will do, and you don’t need a new one every year, either. It’s hard to find alt-style swimwear that’s truly sustainable, so the one featured in this guide can’t be classed as such. But if you stick with only buying one or two consciously selected swimwear sets, not the 20,000+ that reality TV would like you to think you need, then to my relatively educated mind, that’s okay.

Go bold on the accessories

While it can be hard to source alternative summer clothes that meet sustainability criteria, the jewellery market is WAY ahead. Maybe because there are far more small jewellery businesses in the UK, or maybe because recycling has been a far more embedded practice due to the sustained value of previous metals… I don’t know, but there are lots of witchy AND susty (not dusty, autocorrect) accessory brands around, at literally every price point. So make the most of that, well-thought out accessorising can really make the most basic of outfits!

Have a browse…

I’ve put together my shopping guide for your sustainable alternative summer clothes, just for you. Have a snoop!

Alternative Summer Clothes - Tops and Dresses
  1. Black Zip Up Hoodie // Rapanui
  2. Printed Graphic Tees // Vegan Outfitters (Use VOHANNAH5 for £ off) and Broken Society
  3. Basic Black Dress // Armed Angels
  4. Black Shacked // Rapanui
  5. Upcycled Smock Dress // Leveret by Witchcrafts
  1. Embroidered VR3 Authentic // Vans
  2. Black Cycling Shorts // TALA
  3. Celestial Jewellery // Pepperyou on Etsy
  4. Jack Swimming Costume // EMP

1 Comment

  1. June 12, 2023 / 4:25 pm

    Fantastic post! Love this. I can rarely find sustainable goth fashion – I usually shop in my local charity shops and either dye things to suit or alter them.