Sweet and Savoury Ideas for a Successful Vegan Pancake Day!

So you’ve made it through Veganuary (excellent) and have decided to give this vegan thing a longer run (also excellent). You’ve got yourself organised for the next calendar event (Valentine’s Day obvs), but now we’re heading straight into another food-centric semi-holiday – so let’s make sure we nail down 2023’s vegan pancake day!

Sweet and Savoury Ideas for a Successful Vegan Pancake Day

Vegan Pancake Day – Build Your (Pancake) Base

I’ve written you my absolute favourite pancake recipe already, so your first step is to whip up a huuuuge batch of these for the whole family. Once you’ve done that, load up the table with your fresh pancakes and a couple of the sweet and savoury ideas below, and boom, you’re golden!

Savory Vegan Pancake Day Ideas

Savoury Vegan Pancake Toppings - infographic

Sauteed Veggies and Mozz

Whip up some chopped veggies (my favourites are mushrooms and tomatoes) with a bit of olive oil in a frying pan. Add to your pancakes and finish off with some Violife mozzarella!

Avo and Cream Cheese

Top with sliced fresh avocado, Nush almond-based cream cheese, some fresh lime juice and salt and pepper!

Maple Bacon

Fry up some vegan bacon and drizzle with maple syrup.

Blueberry and banana pancakes
Aesthetic flatlay of blueberry and p
banana pancakes

Sweet Vegan Pancake Day Ideas

Sweet vegan pancake toppings

Lots of Choc

Go down the fair crepe route and top with melted vego button or, to really go all out, use loveraw bars for a bueno-style stack!

Traditional Lemon and Sugar

Does what it says – fresh lemon juice and some golden caster sugar!

American Style

Top your stack with Flora plant butter and real maple syrup.

Chocolate and Berries

Indulgent and super-delicious, top your pancake with a Coconut Collaborative vegan choc pot and sprinkle with berries!

Sweet and Savoury Ideas for a Succesful Vegan Pancake Day


1 Comment

  1. PolkaDotsEmpire
    February 16, 2018 / 3:25 pm

    Thanks hannahcolquhoun and I hope you get to realize what it is that you truly want to do!